Life is like an hourglass...Eventually everything hits the bottom and all you have to do is wait it out until someone comes along and turns it around...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

There's a first time for everything

I have never been the blogging type...or even someone to keep a journal or diary. But I figure, what the hell...there's a first time for everything, right??

I have found myself experiencing many sleepless nights these days and I thought maybe being able to remove the random thoughts from my head would help. This won't be your cookie-cutter blog. I may not post something everyday. So, if you find yourself sitting in front of your computer screen awaiting my next entry...go grab some could be a while!

The most I have ever shared are the random (sometimes) witty, one sentence posts I update my Facebook with. Just a quick little blip to let people know what's going on in my life that day...This will be better! Here I will be able to tell stories, share accomplishments and maybe even rant a little!

So, here goes! I guess the best way to start this would be to share a little something about myself...

My name is Ashleigh. I am 22 years old and married to the most wonderful man in the world! He is a Marine, and let me tell you, being a military wife is one of the hardest things I have EVER done!! We don't have children....unless you count our extremely spoiled doxie-pin puppy, Jaxson. He pretty much rules the house and I wouldn't have it any other way! I am not your typical girl. I don't  go get my nails done every week and I would rather dye my hair myself than spend money to get it done. My time is better spent with my little family!

I guess that's all you need to know...for now!

Hugs and kisses <3

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