Life is like an hourglass...Eventually everything hits the bottom and all you have to do is wait it out until someone comes along and turns it around...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

If I were a car, I would be a convertible mustang!

So, as many of you know, I have fallen on some hard times with the Mister. It started with him buying the cigars, but then somehow just snowballed into a World War! This has been a horrible fight and has brought up some really deep feelings between us. Maybe we needed this...Maybe this was the only way to finally get through to each other...


Last deployment I begged my husband for a hand written letter. I didn't want flowers, I didn't want candy, I didn't want jewelry and our emails and phone calls had become SO boring! Basic "How are you"s....Not very romantic or heartfelt! Well, months go by and still no letter...It took us getting into a fight before he actually sent one (The very last month he was gone!). Guys don't really realize what the small stuff means to us girls. Getting a letter in the mail is like wining the lottery!!! We just want to know, in your own words, in your own writing how much you really love us. Tell us we're beautiful...Most times it takes us breaking down and losing our minds before you guys understand just how important all that is.

I came across this blog entry and wanted to share it with you...

“I am running on fumes, here, fellah,” I snapped into the phone. “I’m getting nothing from you. Why do you think I can go and go and always come last in your life???”  
Yeah, I confess that I went off on poor Brad last night. Note the drama of the words “nothing” and “always” and “last”—as if the existence of a Fig Newton was more important to Brad than me.    
I know it is not. It is just that at that moment, the demands of the Navy were too much. That happens once in a while. Thus the whack phone call.
Luckily for me, Brad is an old husband. He called back later with a good answer that I wanted to share with you. Brad said, “I do take you for granted. You go along so well, you do so many things, that I forget that you need something too. I just forget.”
He sounded like every other military husband I know. And he is right. I pride myself on being his able partner in the business of life. When the military makes demands on us, I want our family to be strong enough to step up. Yet, I still need stuff from Brad. I know me. I’m one of those people who needs words, lots of words. Words of encouragement. Words of praise. Words to share a life. Brad knows that already. He gets caught up in the frantic urgency of the military. He forgets the needs of home. He takes the spin and drive of us for granted. So how does a guy remember the important needs of home if they aren’t on fire or screeching on the phone?
When we talked about it later, Brad reminded me about what I had said about running on fumes. “Your tank was empty,” he said. “I need to fill that regularly. Like the car.”
I thought that was a perfect analogy. Because in the military, a marriage is a lot like a car. You get it and it is nice and shiny and new. You feel like you got a bargain. It is everything you want. If you are lucky, it is the only car you will ever need. You’ll make it to the Million Mile Club as long as you change the oil. Wax the paint. Check the tires. Fill the tank regularly.
So today Brad and I have been going back and forth thinking of ways to hook this car idea to stuff he already does automatically. I said he ought to write my name on his gas gauge with a Sharpie. He said that with his schedule he ought to attach pictures of all the spouses onto the fuel lines the sailors use to fill up the ship. I laughed as I pictured that–long lines of loving faces, stretching out between ships, fueling all of our intentions.

I mean, comparing a wife to a car? Crazy!
But is it really?? Men are like children. They need to have things broken down for them in the simplest of ways. I would rather be compared to a car than be put second to my case it's the Harley. Or Harvey, as we have named him....
On a lighter note, I think things with me and the Mister are finally cooling down. I was able to voice my opinion without him getting mad and he was able to voice his. I'm hoping over the next few days you will see much less complaining coming from this here blog! 
Until next time, my friends! I am headed to the pool! <3

Monday, June 20, 2011


Boys suck!

Men are Boys...

So therefore, Men SUCK!

I'm having a bad day...My husband, who quit smoking for me 3 years ago has decided that it is his right to be able to spend $100 on cigars. I couldn't care less about the money. He makes it, so yes, he has every right to spend it! I DO CARE about him smoking! Even if it is just a thing leads to another...Well, you know how it goes...

When confronting him about it, I got yelled at.
How DARE I take away the only joys he has in life??
How DARE I be so selfish?!
How DARE I try and tell him what he can and cannot do?!

Well, I am his wife! The day he said "I do" gave me the RIGHT to have an opinion about his actions! The day he said "I do" should have been the day he actually CARED about what I had to say!!!
So who is the selfish one? The person who is concerned about the other person's health?? Or the person who is choosing to smoke even though he knows his wife doesn't approve????

That's what I thought....

I swear it will take him getting cancer before he even thinks twice about the decisions he is making. He has the mentality that "Whatever doesn't kill him makes him stronger". Well, that may have worked when he was livin' the single life, but that doesn't fly when you're married! There should be other priorities in your life, like oh, LIVING! Not acting like a dumb shit! Actually understanding that if you eff up and you die, it actually affects someone else!! It leaves your wife...a widow....

THIS is not okay...I AM NOT OKAY! But I guess it doesn't matter what I think...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Did you miss me?

It has been way too long. I guess on my GIANT list of "To-Dos", blogging wasn't top priority...

Here's what's been going down!

I finally set a date for our wedding!!! On May 25, 2012, I will be married (again) to the most wonderful man in the world! I put down the deposit, now I just have to wait for them to schedule me an appointment to pick out the cake, food, flowers, music, etc! I am so lucky that this place takes care of almost everything for me. I don't know what I would do if I was left to handle it all on my own! Taking care of the invitations is proving to be a tough enough job as it is....

I spent some time with my pops for his birthday...My sister and I took him to breakfast and then we went to his GFs for a little BBQ and some ice cream cake. No, I did not get him his own Costco cake. Yes, I am a terrible daughter. Yes, he did make a fuss. Yes, he WILL be getting one for Father's Day! A huge one all to himself, tons of obnoxious colors, extra frosting, and writing that says "Happy Birthday/ Father's Day for the rest of your life!!!" teehee

I've gone to the beach twice so far this summer!! Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been all that great lately =( The first trip was just with my friend and her kids...trying to get them out of the house and busy so they stop driving her nuts!! The second trip was a family day for all of the wives. I had never really spent time with any of them, or really even knew who most of them were, so this was a nice way to meet some new people and swap stories. All of our husbands are on the same deployment, so we knew we all had at least one thing in common! While we were there, the FRO had set up a video camera and we were all allowed to say a short little message to send to the guys! It sounds silly, but I was SO nervous! I didn't know what to say to him...I'm sure I was all fidgety and awkward, but at least Nick will be able to identify me! haha

I started at the gym again, for real this time!! I am not allowed to go summer clothes or wedding dress shopping until I am happy with my weight! It is crunch time, folks! I am determined to get down to the weight I was when I met Nick...Scary as it sounds, that's like 40lbs!!! Diet and exercise hard core from here on out. Yesterday was my first day, and I actually felt great!! I feel like it actually gives me something to do during the day...I have an hour to myself where I don't have to think about anything! It is just me and the treadmill...

Well, friends, it is time for me to go. I promise not to be away this long again ;)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!!