With everything that has been going on in this life of mine, this little blog has taken a back seat! I'm still alive, and things are just as crazy and hectic as ever!

This may come as a surprise to a lot of you...Heck, this was a surprise to me! The hubby and I had hit some rough waters in our relationship and had decided to try and work things out. It was extremely hard at first. The feelings I had for him were still there, of course, but I was so hurt and broken that letting him back in seemed like the last thing I should do.
It took a while! Giving each other some space, trying to "date" each other again, just taking things slow and seeing what would come of it. He was going through a lot being on deployment, and although that is no excuse for what he did, I knew he was not himself. It is very hard to keep the flame while your spouse is a million miles away and I think that was starting to get to him. We had been married for two years at the time, and of those two years, spent roughly 15 months apart. That can be hard on anyone!
After hashing out a lot of our issues, things were going well! I was very happy to have him back in my life! We waited a few months before deciding to move back in together and everything was moving in the right direction for once! Well, to our surprise, April came and so did an unexpected little bundle...
I had been taking birth control religiously so we were not expecting this at all! I knew something was off one week and ended up waiting it out thinking I was psyching myself out! I decided to take a test to just put some of those fears to rest. The last thing I expected to see was that little test showing two faint pink lines. My heart sank into my stomach...I immediately told Nick, who took it FAR better than I did! haha We decided, since the lines were very hard to read, I would take another one the next morning. Unfortunately, this test did not read any better. Sunday came and I decided to get a digital test. YES (Pregnant)...NO (Not Pregnant)...There's no mistake there! Longest 3 minutes of my life...Tick...Tick...Tick........YES!
That was that...I'm pregnant!
The next few weeks were crazy! Going to the doctor to confirm, finding an OB, telling our parents, NOT telling anyone else, having our first ultrasound...We were in a daze! We were totally not expecting this and with everything we had on our plate, this could not have been worse timing! But, as we like to say, this was an accident, NOT a mistake! You can never be REALLY ready for a kid no matter how much you plan and we are so very excited!
Our first ultrasound...

A few weeks ago, we had another ultrasound to determine the sex and guess what?! We're having a BOY! The hubby could not be happier! From the day we found out, he swore we would have a boy. A little "Mini-Him"! Having a boy is terrifying! I have two little sisters. I know Barbies and dress up, not baseball and mud pies! This will be quite the learning experience for both of us! Never in my life would I have thought after nearly divorcing, we would be even closer than before AND expecting our first child!
This life never ceases to surprise me with its constant curve balls! :)