Well, I am a little late on this post, but we have reached the third trimester!! Yes, it officially started about a month ago but we have just been so busy I didn't have the time to write.
Things have been great! We had our baby shower and everything went off without a hitch! It was a western/cowboy theme just like the baby's room. It was so nice having everyone there and Baby made out like a bandit! He is one spoiled little munchkin. The days leading up to the shower were a little crazy. We were so busy trying to get food and decorations taken care of, but by the time it came, there were no problems to speak of! Everyone had a great time and a full belly :)
We currently have this hanging on Baby's door. |
The Hubby and me <3 |
Four generations...The peanut is the only boy! |
The AMAZING diaper cake my mom made!
The next weekend after the shower, we went in for a 3d/4d ultrasound. Hubby, my mom, dad, two sisters and my BFF were all able to make it! IT WAS FANTASTIC! I couldn't believe how clear the images were and how big he has gotten. He has the cutest cheeks and we are almost positive that he has Hubby's dimple chin. The technician was also able to see that he has some hair! We can't wait to see how much or what color it will be! He was being a little shy. We have learned over the last few months that he does not like things touching mama's belly! He tends to move himself away from whatever it is. So while she was trying to get some pictures he was turning his head away. We were still able to get some awesome shots! We were also informed that he was sucking on his umbilical cord nearly the whole time. It was hard for us to tell, but we could see his mouth moving. GROSS! haha We cannot wait for this little guy to get here!!!
Just look at that face! So in love with him already!! |
I call this his "Grump Face". He kept furrowing his brow. |
See those little spikes?! That's his hair! |
Thanks to a few of my besties, we were able to take some really cute maternity pictures! We saved up for a fancy new camera when we found out we were pregnant because we knew we would be taking wayyyy too many pictures. I'm glad we did, it came in super handy for the maternity pictures. And thanks to some posing research we did, it looked like we actually knew what we were doing! I edited the pictures on my computer and had them enlarged and printed them at the store. SO much cheaper than hiring a professional. I think we did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself! :)
Tried getting Baby's cowboy boot in some of them. |
We found such a beautiful open space. |
I just love that we were able to get Jaxson in a few! |
This is one of my favorites!! |
To follow up on some good news from my last post...WE GOT THE HOUSE! Everything is all moved in, we have just been taking things a day at a time trying to finish up some of the smaller stuff. We were able to paint the baby's room and get his furniture put together. His room is almost done! I have been working on his name letters to go above his crib and I am almost finished! Everyone has been dying to know his name but neither one of us has slipped...yet! It gets hard because we are so excited about it, but we have waited this long already...Hopefully we're able to make it to the end! I will post pictures of his room once it's all done...same with the house. All I have are pictures of it completely empty haha It is slowly coming together though. We even have some pictures on the walls! We were never able to hang anything in our apartment because they made you pay for any holes in the walls. Well, guess what stupid apartment! We own this house and we are putting as many holes in the walls as we want! So suck it! :) I just can't wait until everything is completely done. It is a lot of work and being 7 months pregnant does not make it any easier. I have been doing way too much and keep getting yelled at by my DR and the Hubs. I'm not very good at sitting still and when I see all of the work that still needs to be done, I can't just sit back and watch everyone else. I do need to start listening to them though. My back is killing me and I definitely don't want to put myself into premature labor! That wouldn't be good for me OR Baby!
As of yesterday, we have exactly two months until my due date! I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by! Luckily, we are pretty close to being all ready for him. Just a few more small purchases and getting our hospital bags put together. I am getting very anxious. The fact that I am extremely large and uncomfortable isn't helping. Part of me just wants him out so I can have my body back, the other part would leave him in there a few extra months so we have a little more time to prepare mentally. It is hard to think that in just two months there will be a little person around here...one that we created! We're nervous about how the dog will react. He is currently the baby in the house and pretty much gets everything he wants. Our attention is always focused on him, and when this baby comes, that will change. I just hope that we can still give him the love and attention he needs. If we can't, I know a lot of our friends and family will. Everyone loves our little Jaxson Pup! It's hard not to! Let's just hope this baby loves him too. They are brothers, after all! ;)
As I have been typing all this out, it scares me to realize that all of this has happened in only a month! ONE MONTH!
Excited to see what the next two have in store for us!
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