Both decisions have their good and bad points...
Taking the Maryland job:
Experiencing another part of the country
Getting out of the military
Hubby getting to be close to his family
G getting to be around his other grandparents more
Experiencing more than one season
Meeting new people
Moving away from my family and friends
Having to suffer through a snowy winter season
The uncertainty of what life will be like taking this job
Not making as much money
Potentially having G in daycare so I can work
A guaranteed paycheck for the next 12 years
Benefits like health insurance
Not having a say about where we live or how long we live there
Being on military time
Never being able to establish a life somewhere
I'm stressed out. But I can't even come close to imagining how stressed out my husband it. Whatever decision he makes not only affects him, but his wife and kid as well. He carries that weight around with him and I feel terrible.
I wish this was an easy decision.