Today is a better day. Being home with my hubby and the dog makes it so much easier! I am able to fall back into a regular routine to help clear my mind.
I just miss him so much! I had a dream about him last night. I was at their house and as I was leaving he gave me a big hug and kiss and wished me luck for my interview! My job interview that I just found out about yesterday!! He was there for me, letting me know that he knew and was proud of me. That he was going to be there to make sure everything goes well. Even though it was hard seeing him in my dream, it was SO nice knowing that he hasn't gone away. He will always be there for me and my he always has been! I love you and miss you so much, Grandad!! <3 <3
This upcoming week is going to be crazy! I guess I need that right now, though.
Today I am going to the school to take an assessment test. This will determine what level of classes I will be taking. When I was in school a long time ago, I was placed really high. (Yea, Imma smarty :p) But now, I am worried that it has been so long, that I will be placed super low!! I am just hoping that through everything I've done, my brain has retained at least SOME of the information I need! Wish me luck!!
On Saturday, me and the Mister are spending a day together, going to the Rod Run and the Speedway! It is going to be so much fun!! Fun that I could really use right now! I love getting to spend time with him :)
I have a job interview early in the week...Crossing my fingers this comes through for me! This isn't something permanent, by any means. Just something to keep me busy during this deployment.
Then, later in the week, I have an appointment with the school counselor to map out the next 4 years of my life! I am really hoping this school can get me where I need to be! Otherwise, I have to keep looking. The nice thing is, the semester doesn't start until August, so I have plenty of time to get everything sorted out! I would just like to have everything taken care of before Nick leaves so that he is here to help me if I need it!
I am super excited that this is all playing out the way I want it to!
***On a COMPLETELY different topic***
I have been trying to talk to Nick about planning our wedding ceremony while he is away! I tried to do it last time he was gone, but was totally overwhelmed and decided to cancel. I am starting to realize that if I don't do it now, we will never have one! This is something VERY important to me!! Every girl dreams of having the perfect wedding...and even though we are already married, I would still love to have a ceremony for all of our friends and family. More of a celebration of our marriage, than and actual wedding...It is going to take a lot of work, though! AND I need to get my hubby on board with it again...eek...