Okay...maybe I'm not a milf YET...But I will be!!
Operation Hot Mama is in full effect!
As I mentioned before, part of my resolution was to get healthy. I used the word "healthy" for a reason. I don't just want to be skinny, I want to be fit! I want my outside to look and feel just as great as my inside! That means exercising AND eating right!
For the last two weeks or so, I have been on a supplement program to help jump start my body on the inside and get it cleaned out. In addition to that, I have been working out on our elliptical for 20 mins almost every day. I weighed myself, took measurements AND took "before" pictures on Day 1 but have not had a chance to take a new set of numbers since then. I must say, though, I do FEEL better! I still don't think I look like I have lost weight and I don't really see a difference in how my clothes fit yet but feeling great is just as important as looking great :) (especially when your self esteem is as low as mine...boo)
On top of my supplement program and my elliptical work outs, I started the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge (again). It is a 90 day program and all exercises are done in the home using mostly just your own body weight.
Today was day 1...the Fit Test!
This is BY FAR the hardest part of the challenge. It is a series of 8 exercises in 8 minutes. You have to do as many of each as you can and you record your number. Throughout the 90 days, the Fit Test pops up a few more times, and each time you record your numbers and HOPEFULLY you've improved!
It doesn't seem difficult on paper, but holy mother of all that is holy....THIS KILLS ME!!!! By the end of the 8 minutes, I have just enough energy in me to make it to the toilet to throw up. I'm not sure why this happens to me, but every time I do this Fit Test, I end up with my face over the bowl. It is just that wicked! Luckily, the other days of the challenge are a little nicer :)
Here are my results....Don't laugh...
Speed Squats: 30
High Knees: 65
Push Ups: 20
Squat Jumps: 13
Tricep Dips: 12
Burpees: 8
Alternating Lunges: 30
Elbow Plank: 50seconds
Anyways, since today was the first day of this challenge, I will be taking a new set of measurement and pictures. I don't like doing it, but when I am complete with the full 90 days, I want to be able to see how far I've come :)
Yay for fitness!
Did I just say that?!