Life is like an hourglass...Eventually everything hits the bottom and all you have to do is wait it out until someone comes along and turns it around...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stress- 1...Ashleigh- 0

Where is my husband when I need him?!

Oh yea....A whole different COUNTRY!!! Ughhhghghghg

As if a deployment isn't stressful enough, I feel like everything is falling apart. I have had horrible issues with my phone for a week now and stupid T-mobile doesn't even seem to care! Apparently they don't care that I have been a loyal customer since I was 16! Apparently they don't care that their product is a piece of crap! Apparently they don't care that because of them, their crappy phone, and their crappy service...I CAN'T TALK TO MY HUSBAND!!


To top it off, I am worried about this damn doctor appointment tomorrow...Please cross your fingers that everything comes back okay...

You win this time, Stress....But I will be back for round two, just you wait!