I am currently 24 weeks pregnant. Boy, time is flyin!
To put my size into perspective...Baby boy is currently the size of a cantaloupe, living in a uterus the size of a soccer ball. No matter what I do, there is no hiding this "Baby Bump" of mine! It happens quickly, too! One day a shirt fits, the next...There is NO WAY I can squeeze into that thing! I haven't been putting on as much weight as I thought I would, which makes me BEYOND happy! I thought for sure I would blow up like a balloon and be miserable! (Insert happy dance here)
Things have been going really well! I went and saw the Endocrinologist. He ran some tests and decided to put me on a thyroid medication. Now, I just have to be monitored to make sure everything stays on track.
Baby Boy is growing and getting much stronger! I feel him kicking for a good portion of my day. He has definitely set a routine for himself...He's up at about 10:30am, again around 3 or 4pm, and again at around 11pm when I'm settling into bed. I don't get woken up during the night, but that doesn't mean he isn't just as active, it just means I am not bothered by it...YET! Due to the Husband's schedule, he had not been able to feel these kicks but on August 27th, he finally got to feel this wonderful gift! Baby was kicking like crazy on this particular night and my stomach was visibly jumping around. Hubby placed his hand on my belly, and within seconds, this boy kicked with all is might! Hubby's face was PRICELESS! Watching this go down just made my heart melt! It is one emotion when I feel this myself, but a whole different emotion witnessing this pre-birth connection between baby and daddy. The image will never leave my mind :)
We have been tossing around some names for quite some time now, but haven't decided on one yet. We have settled on his middle name, but the first is not coming to us quite as easily! Hubby and I have different styles and trying to mesh those two styles is difficult. I'm hoping that one of these days, a name will come to us and we will just know! We'll get that feeling that just speaks to us and says "Yes, this is the one." Until then, I will continue to refer to this little one as "Baby Boy". We won't be telling anyone the name until he's born anyways! I want it to be a surprise for everyone and am trying avoid any negative feedback we may receive.
Aside from names, we are currently in the market for some nursery furniture. There have been a few we like, but prices are crazy! I knew having a baby was expensive, I just didn't realize HOW expensive!
Our baby shower is coming up, so I'm looking forward to having our friends and family around to celebrate and take our minds off of everything for a little while! YAY! :)
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