So is HARD
So is WORK
That is exactly what DIVORCE is...HARD effing WORK!
Since when did getting married become the "Cool thing" to do? And since when did it become even cooler to get divorced?!
I thought marriage was supposed to be sacred...Something shared between two people forever and ever. But lately, it seems to be much more of a fad than a lifetime commitment. This makes me sad. I can't think of a single person whose grandparents got divorced...That's because at some point in time, people knew that if they were going to make the decision to get married they better be DAMN SURE it was for real! There was no such thing as divorce. There was strictly time, effort, and unconditional love between two people. They didn't stray when times got tough. They didn't turn their backs during a fight. They stood up for the love they knew they shared. They MADE things work. For better or worse...Until death do them part...
So, when did this change? When did it become okay to just change your mind and be done? Why is it okay for one person to decide the fate of two? What happened to the the the unconditional LOVE??
In exactly 6 days, I will be 23 years old...
23 with no kids, no career and on the verge of getting divorced. I think the big man upstairs got side-tracked and forgot I was still here. People keep telling me that God doesn't put anything before you that He knows you can't handle...This is Bull...
God thought all those people could handle Katrina? He thought everyone would escape from the World Trade Center?
He thought I could handle two deployments in two years? Moving into an apartment all by myself? He thought I could handle a motorcycle accident, a possible relocation, losing my job and the passing of my grandad all within months of each other?
He thinks I can handle a divorce, a birthday, moving out of an apartment and having no place to go all within one month?
In exactly 6 days, I will be 23 years old...and what do I have to show for my time here? Failure...straight across the board!
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