I have made it to the half way point in my pregnancy! WOOP WOOP!
Okay, technically I am 21 weeks pregnant...but same same!
The first half could not have gone more smoothly! Aside from a week or two of morning sickness, I really had very little to complain about. Yes, I gained weight and that made me sad. Mainly because I didn't have that cute little pregnant belly and I felt like people thought I was just fat! But other than that, I feel like I was a trooper for the first 20 weeks.
I wish I could say the same about the beginning of this second half! Nothing is wrong with the little boy, which is great! But, I can't say the same for his Mama...I have spent two separate nights in the ER for heart palpitations and chest pain. After the second visit, they decided (according to some blood work) that the problem was because of a thyroid issue. I had an appointment with my OB today and they are sending me to endocrinology for some blood work to figure out what exactly is going on. Yay?
Everything else seems to be going well. I have only gained 7lbs since the beginning of all this, and I am FINALLY starting to look pregnant. Enough, that people can actually tell the difference. I've gotten a few unexpected belly rubs but have learned to embrace it. I thought it would be weird to have random people touch me but I kind of like it! It makes me realize more and more that I really am pregnant. Not that I forget, of course! It's hard to deny this belly and those constant little kicks but sometimes the idea of being pregnant escapes me. I sometimes feel like this isn't real!
Oh, but it is!
We had another ultrasound a few days ago, and I am undeniably pregnant! This little man is getting soooo big already! Watching his little arms and legs moving around and even seeing him put his tiny hand in his mouth is just amazing! It melts my heart every time we see his handsome little face on that screen!
There is so much to be done but I am just trying to take each day as it comes! Besides...I've got plenty of time...right????